Vaughn Woods Wedding // Jo & Josh

Josh is my brother. Jo is my new sister. I could write a novel explaining how special it was to have my family come to Maine for their fabulous, tiny, untraditional AF wedding, but I'll try not to.

My parents and brothers and I had not been together in years. We live in all opposite ends of the country! But this summer we camped out and partied at my in-laws place and my unfinished house in Maine to celebrate Josh and Jo getting hitched. It was heaven.

It was also the first time any of us had met Jo, and we all fell madly in love with her. You probably will too. She is adorable. And omg they named their baby girl Mango Jean. They are the best.

My family is strange and fun, creative and artistic, and this celebration in the woods with a non-existent budget was totally our style. Zero stress, lots of laughs, happy tears, jelly shoes and 90's sweaters. I've been to a lot of weddings, but this was my favorite one by far.

Oh I debated whether or not I should take photos during their ceremony, but it all worked out perfectly. I didn't use my camera the rest of the time my family was visiting, but I gave everyone disposable cameras to use instead! There are a lot of those images in this post too (it's probably obvious, but they start halfway through the party).

Their ceremony took place at Vaughn Woods (aka "Hobbitland") in Hallowell, ME in a pop-up sorta way. We just took over the bridge for a few minutes, setup some flowers, did our magic, and popped back out. So simple and sweet. And free. We had a party later that night in our half-built home, where Josh & Jo revealed their baby's gender, and we did a puzzle to learn her name, and we played with glow sticks, and it was awesome. 

Special thanks to Hannah from Buckle Farm for the bouquet. We used them in the most magical way - everyone got to hold a few flowers during the ceremony, and then we took turns giving them all to Jo as a gesture of welcoming her to the family. Gosh it was so special.

This is what a Jardim family non-wedding looks like.

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